Selecting the Right ID Strategy for Your MongoDB Data Model: ObjectID vs UUID

Selecting the Right ID Strategy for Your MongoDB Data Model: ObjectID vs UUID

A detailed guide on how to decide between ObjectId and UUID based on your application's requirements, data structure, and scalability considerations.


In the foundation of application development, a crucial question often emerges: to autogenerate or to craft? I imagine that you want to build a software system that's not only functional but destined to scale into something grand. This is the very journey I found myself on a few months ago, and it led me to a crossroads: Should I rely on MongoDB's autogenerated IDs or take the path of crafting custom IDs like UUIDs? This article is born from that very dilemma.

Join me as we delve into the world of ID strategies, uncovering the strengths and considerations of each. Whether you're crafting a streamlined application or envisioning a sprawling platform, the answer awaits within the pages ahead. Let's embark on this informative exploration together!

Understanding ObjectID and UUID

In the world of databases, IDs are the cornerstone of data identification, akin to fingerprints for documents within collections. To navigate the selection of the right ID strategy in MongoDB, let's embark on a journey to understand the two primary contenders: ObjectId and UUID.

A. ObjectID: The Native Identifier

An ObjectId is a 12-byte value, a 24-character hexadecimal string. This unique composition stems from its structure, which includes a timestamp, a machine identifier, a process identifier, and a counter. This combination ensures that each generated ObjectId is exclusive within a single collection.

B. UUID: The Universally Unique Identifier

UUID is an abbreviation for Universally Unique Identifier, a standardized 16-byte value, and a 32-character hexadecimal string. It is crafted to be globally distinct across diverse systems and databases. Among the various UUID versions, UUIDv4, formulated via randomness, stands as the most prevalent choice.

Factors Influencing ID Selection

Following are some of the key factors and benchmarks to consider in deciding between ObjectId and UUID:

  • Uniqueness Requirements

ObjectId's uniqueness is guaranteed within a single collection. Because of its composition structure, the likelihood of collision - where two IDs are the same - is exceedingly low. In a single collection, ObjectId's built-in characteristics will suffice to maintain data integrity. On the other hand, the chances of encountering an identical UUID are virtually non-existent, regardless of the database or system. While ObjectId ensures local uniqueness, UUID offers a level of uniqueness that extends far beyond the borders of a single collection or application.

  • Data Structure and Relationships

ObjectId's smaller size makes it efficient for indexing and storage. Therefore, if storage efficiency is a concern, ObjectId might be the preferable option.

The decision on ID type can also shape how relationships between documents are established. When embedding documents within one another, ObjectId's native efficiency aligns well. For instance, if you have documents nested inside each other, using ObjectId can streamline the relationship setup due to its smaller size.

On the other hand, if your data model involves creating references between documents, UUIDs might be more suitable. UUIDs' global uniqueness ensures that references remain consistent across different collections or even databases. This proves beneficial when building complex systems with distributed data or microservices architecture.

  • Scalability and Distribution

When pondering scalability and distribution, UUIDs offer a compelling advantage. Their ability to maintain uniqueness across various instances, combined with their performance characteristics, makes them an appealing choice for applications that anticipate growth and expansion. ObjectIds, being tied to the timestamp of their creation, can lead to performance issues when generating them at a high rate.

  • Performance and Querying

ObjectId's smaller size makes it conducive to faster indexing and query performance. Indexes created on ObjectId fields tend to be more compact, leading to improved search speeds, for instance, in a real-time data application. However, UUIDs might perform better in situations where query performance isn't a primary concern, but global uniqueness and distributed data are essential.

  • Security and Privacy

ObjectId IDs can potentially pose security risks when exposed in URLs. Since they often include information like the creation timestamp, machine identifier, and process identifier, malicious users could attempt to exploit these details. For instance, they might deduce patterns in IDs to infer data creation times or manipulate URLs to access unintended resources. On the other hand, UUIDs, due to their randomized nature, offer a higher level of security when used in URLs. They lack inherent patterns that could be exploited by attackers. This makes it more challenging for malicious users to glean information from the IDs, enhancing the overall security of your application.

Use Case Analysis

The moment of truth is when we apply our understanding of ObjectId and UUID to real-world scenarios. Below are some practical use cases where the choice between these ID types becomes pivotal.

A. ObjectId Use Cases

  • Social Media Platform, Event Tracking System: For these types of systems, rapid data insertion, retrieval, updates and indexing are paramount, therefore, ObjectId's compactness can provide an advantage.

B. UUID Use Cases

  • Multi-System Integration and Distributed Applications, such as Microservices.

  • Healthcare and Finance systems which require sensitive data protection.

C. Balancing Act: Hybrid Use Cases

In some scenarios, a hybrid approach might be optimal. For instance, using ObjectId for internal document referencing within collections, where indexing is a priority, and UUIDs for cross-collection references, ensuring global uniqueness.


In the realm of MongoDB data modeling, the choice between ObjectId and UUID is not merely a technical decision; it's a strategic one. In this article, we've examined the attributes, pros, and cons of both ID types. ObjectId's local uniqueness and efficiency, versus UUIDs' global distinctiveness and security advantages, present a compelling contrast. As you navigate the space of data modeling in software development, armed with this newfound knowledge, your ID strategy can become a guiding light on your journey to building robust, efficient, and secure applications that stand the test of time.

That's it for now guys. Thank you for learning with me. Happy coding! ❤️